Mini Express: Paquete de mapas 1 - Reino Unido y Taiwán

Mini Express: Map Pack 1 – United Kingdom & Taiwan

Actualizado desde la BGG : 15/09/2024 03:48,hace 7 días
Subido a la ludoteca gracias a: Anónimo

Puesto en BGG: 0
Tipo de producto: Expansión de un Juego de mesa
Año de publicación: 2022
Edad recomendada:8
Jugadores: de 1 a 4 jugadores
Valoración: 7/10 - (0 Pb)
(Nivel de dificultad) Peso: 0/5
Personas que han valorado: 13 (13 Pb)
Tiempo de juego: 45
Tiempo de juego mínimo y máximo: de 45 a 60 minutos
Dependencia del idioma: 0
Tamaño de la caja:
Usuarios que lo tienen en BGG/WEB: 207/0
Usuarios que lo desean BGG/WEB: 38/0
Usuarios que lo comercian BGG/WEB: 3
Usuarios que lo venden en esta web: 0
Usuarios que lo cambiarían en esta web: 0
¿Es una expansión?: NO
Expansiones: No tenemos información de si el juego tiene expansiónes
Identificador de la BGG: 337914


Expansion for Base-game


Network and Route Building
Stock Holding


Paquete de mapas Mini Express 1 - Reino Unido & amp; Taiwán contiene un tablero de juego de doble cara con reglas nuevas y desafiantes para Mini Express.


Mini Express Map Pack 1 - Taiwan & United Kingdom contains a double-sided game board with new and challenging rules for Mini Express. You conquered the Wild West. You conquered the Old World. Now, your dreams of steel and steam draw you across the ocean where new challenges and opportunities await you. 1908 Taiwan It is the dawn of the 20th century. From 1895 to 1945, Taiwan was colonized by Japan. In that time, Japan heavily invested in modernizing Taiwan’s railway system around the island, with bold plans including building tunnels and tracks through mountains. In the Taiwan map for Mini Express, the white company represents Japan. Players are seeking to expand tracks across the island, especially to the 6 major cities; however, mountains pose a logistical problem. Players can at any time invest in Japanese modernization, and it indeed comes with benefits. However, the more players do business with Japan, the tighter the restrictions are in the game. Soon, you might find your influence in a company reduced to nothing if you’re not careful. Fulfill your dreams of steel and steam! Welcome to Taiwan! 加油! 1918 United Kingdom The Great War has finally ended, and the UK won. The economy of the United Kingdom is exploding with opportunity. Ferries to other countries are being negotiated. Harder, better, faster locomotives are being built. Construction of the London Underground begins to flourish. And rumors float about that Parliament will unite and condense the various railways across Great Britain into only a few. Opportunity awaits you in this bull economy, but can you build your railroad empire in time? Extend the reach of your railroad empire across the globe in Mini Express Map Pack 1.
Juego: Mini Express: Map Pack 1 – United Kingdom & Taiwan
Idioma English
Editorial: Moaideas Game Design
Medidas (Alto x Ancho x Fondo /Peso) 20.32x20.32x2.54/0Kg.